Getting the Covid Vaccine in Denver

We are all concerned about getting our Covid 19 vaccine. The age of people who qualify to get the first round, in addition to Health Care Workers and nursing home residents, has been lowered to 70, by our Governor! Many people do not know where to go, or how to get it. Barb Fullerton has a Concierge doctor – Dr. David Mellman and Dr. Jeannette Guerrasio of Colorado Center for Medical Excellence, and they sent a newsletter to their patients telling them how to schedule. The letter is below. It is great info if you don’t already have it. Drs. Mellman and Guerrasio’s web site is These doctors are on top of it.

Happy New Year! The theme of 2021 is “Vaccinate.” Dr. Mellman and I strongly encourage our patient community to get a COVID-19 vaccine as it becomes available. In accordance with the State of Colorado’s COVID-19 vaccination guidelines the vaccine is currently offered through county health departments, hospitals and Safeway and Albertson pharmacies by appointment only, to individuals in the 1A category and 1B categories.  


We recommend that you consider the following actions to increase your chances of being vaccinated as soon as possible:  

  • If you have an active email or portal account with a local hospital, check your account often to see if you have received an email regarding signing up for a vaccine appointment. Please respond promptly to sign up for an appointment. Most locations require a reply within 48 hours. However, vaccines may run out before the 48 hours window.

  • If you do not have an account with a hospital, you can create a My Health Connection account with UCHealth. To create an account, click on the link below. UCHealth will be allocated more vaccines from the state than any other location, so your chances of getting one from UCHealth is the greatest.

  • Sign up with Safeway or Albertson pharmacies to receive updates on making an appointment for a vaccine. If they say that they have no appointments available check back frequently as new appointments will open up with each shipment delivered.

    Choose any location below and use the appropriate link to schedule an appointment with Safeway, check every day as they will open up more appointment times as deliveries arrive:

    Safeway Pharmacy #2714
    6220 E 14th Ave
    Denver, CO 80220
    Scheduling link:

    Safeway Pharmacy #3836
    200 Quebec St #400
    Denver, CO 80230
    Scheduling link:

    Safeway Pharmacy #244
    3800 W 44th Ave
    Denver, CO 80211
    Scheduling link:

Click on the CDPHE and county health department links below for the most updated information.

If you go to get vaccinated, the out-of-pocket cost for the vaccine should be $0. Bring both their medical and prescription insurance cards with you to the appointment or your new Medicare Part B card (red, white and blue).   


Finally, you may have read in the news or seen on social media that a small number of people 70 and older, including some of our patients, have been vaccinated through the UC Health pilot programs or a drive thru clinic for older residents of Summit County. These were available to only a small number of people due to limited availability of the vaccine, but are reopening and we will continue to communicate with you as we learn more. Keep in touch with friends as well as they may here of an opportunity before us, and the vaccination clinics tend to fill up within an hour or 2! 

If you are still waiting to be vaccinated and are in either group 1A or 1B (ONLY)

Links for further information: 

Barb Fullerton

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When we represent a buyer, we think our experience in, and knowledge of, the Denver metro area is invaluable. We are also more than willing to go the extra mile to help find each buyer exactly what they are looking for. 

We love what we do, we love the challenge of a new project, and  a new goal!  Call us! We would love to help you.

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